04 May

Drive now a member of the Restraint Reduction Network

On April 19th 2022 Drive became a member of the Restraint Reduction Network giving a clear and transparent commitment to people we support to working together to ensure we respect, protect and promote their individual rights and human rights, to ensure the use of coercive and restrictive practice is minimised and the misuse and abuse of restraint is prevented.


Welsh Government’s Reducing Restrictive Practice Framework launched in 2021 and calls for a strong and transparent implementation plan to be in place to support the roll-out required across health, education and social care settings in Wales. The RRN’s vision is to make a real difference in the lives of people by educating and developing standards and practical tools which support the reduction of all forms of restrictive practice.


As part of our pledge to the RRN we are working collaboratively with individuals to promote understanding, collate their views and ensure their needs are being met. We are building on our suite of Positive Behaviour Support training by providing training in Restrictive Practice and Restraint Reduction across the organisation. We are developing a comprehensive recording system to capture data more effectively for analysis and interpretation of incidents including use of restraint or restrictive practice with a view to improving the quality of life for people we support.


Working together to ensure we respect, protect and promote individuals rights.