Drive aims to provide high quality services which are sensitive and flexible to meet the needs of people we support.  Drive believes that people with learning disabilities should be valued as full citizens with rights and responsibilities.

Drive welcomes compliments and/or complaints that will assist us to improve services from a wide range of people such as individuals we support, parents and carers. We are committed to providing a high standard of service and to continuously improving and extending what we can offer. However, we recognise that there may be occasions when things go wrong. It is important that you tell us when this happens so that we can deal speedily with the problem you have raised. Feedback really does help us to improve the quality of our work.

Our Compliments and Complaints policy can be accessed by clicking here


If you have feedback that gives you cause for concern, we would welcome you sharing that information with us, please use the contact form below.


Drive aims to make a positive difference to the lives of the people that we support, believing that effective services only take place when those we support are living a full and valued life.

01443 845 260

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